"Know Your Future & Plan Your Life Before Its Too Late !"
Astro Future Insight run by Ritu Bala Online Female Astrologer, who is providing online Astrology & Vastu Consultancy to her esteemed needy clients to make their life better by predicting their future to enable them to plan their life accordingly.

Astro Future Insight helps you in providing remedial measures for PROBLEMS related to Education, Career, Relations, Foreign Travel, Transfer/ Promotion, Love, Children, Marriage, Compatibility, Divorce, Money, Partnership, Business, Property, Enemies, Legal and Health Problems etc. Fate & Astrology are two sides of a same coin. That is why it is rightly said that :-“Man is a puppet in the hands of fate”.
Astro Future Insight believes that Vastu begins, where Astrology ends. Though they both are related to each other. Vaastu means site, the site for building a house, or a dwelling. Vaastu comprises of house with site and its environment. For Vastu Tips for different rooms.
Do you know that which planets are auspicious or inauspicious for you as per astrology in your horoscope & what problems they can cause in your life? To know solutions.
Gem stones are usually worn as per the planets suitable for each person. Gems are of 2 kinds- Hard & Soft Gemstones. They play different role in our life.
Moles- Every person has moles on one or the other part of their body, but have you ever thought that these moles also have their own significance.
"Future belongs to those who believe in their Dreams" Dreams Prediction We often see dreams & wakeup thinking that what do these dreams signify. To know about your dreams.
Astro Future Insight helps in providing an "Insight" into the life of an individual. As Astrology shows the plan of one's life and Vastu / Fengshui helps to optimize the plan by increasing the positives & minimizing the negatives. Find your Fengshui Zodiac sign's Characteristics & know about your personality, behavior etc. Every person belongs to some or the other Animal Zodiac sign in Fengshui, which indicate the characteristic of that person in the year they were born.
Home Medicine : Astro Future Insight believe that home made medicines are very effective & readily available at the of need. You can cure your self through your kitchen condiments without any side effects. These home medicines are based on ancient research which have been compiled in books written by our ancestors.

About Ritu Bala
World Famous Best Online Female Astrologer in Lucknow
Ritu Bala, Renouned Online Astrologer & Vastu Consultant is practicing Indian Vedic Astrology & is coming from a long chain of Astrologers which is acclaimed for its accuracy in predicting the events related to all aspects of life. She is carrying forward the inherited rich knowledge of Astro Vedic Science & helping people from all walks of life- viz businessman, students, housewives, professionals etc., all over the world by providing online Astro & vastu consultancy. She is in this profession for more than 32 years and providing online consultancy on Astrology & Vastu for more than 18 years through her various portals/ websites. At present she is running her more than 40 portals including her websites/blogs/ forums/groups etc. She has her presence almost in every renowned portals/ social networking sites to stay connected with her esteemed followers & clients beside sharing inherited knowledge of indian vedic astrology & vastu with the followers of Astrology & Vastu all over the world.
"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you."
"There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a human cross over the sea of life"
"Astrologer that foresee the future/fate and Astrology is a boat of life to cross over the sea! "
~ Happy, Fulfilled Clients ~
What my clients say is extremely important to me. Without their support and satisfaction, I wouldn’t be in business. That’s why I’m so invested in making sure that they’re happy with all of the psychic services I provide. Take a look at what people have said about working with me and get in touch today to make your voice is heard as well.🙏🌹👌👌👍👍
🙏We believe that you should "Know Your Future & Plan Your Life before its too late" to achieve success in life!🙏
~What Our Clients Say~